In re:
this. I'm not going tos ay much of anything, just that it's funny how the mainstreamists will always continue to describe the folks who support equalization of our world's vast disparities of wealth as "extremists," even while acknowledging that they were right all along.
...okay, fine, I am going to say something: the basic problem is that there are too many people in the world. It is not possible for a population of seven billion to all live even a middle-class American lifestyle. Free trade does marginally increase the efficiency (i.e. profitability) of most industries, but it also spreads the rewards quite a larger number of people. Even if it were not the case that most of the "efficiency" stateside goes to lining the pockets of the super-rich, the whole thing is flawed on its face, because money over people = not enough.
We've charged ahead with these programs because the academic economists don't think about what their equations pragmatically mean, and because the government is only responsive to the desires of the 4% who're actually getting enriched.