Widows concert went well. Really well. I had a blast, we made good music, I will miss these ladies. And Natsuko made me cry.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGzKUSdq6BA I have to lead recitation for my uncle's class tomorrow, which means I need to finish this 3 page paper. Then I have a 12 page paper due for him tomorrow... on a topic that he's written bookS! about. Yes, plural. It was an accident--I'm not so stupid to pick this kind of topic on purpose. Basically I'm screwed, but that happens I guess. Then I have a linear algebra test on Thursday... who knows about that, but I get to wave my lowest score and I've gotten A and an A- on the last two, so if I fail it's completely fine.
School is hard, and easy, but always so inspiring that I shoot myself in the foot with ambition.
It's one of those days. I woke with the dawn, and the view out the windows was amazing. Sleep-enducing. I just want to sit here w/ my earl grey and some biscotti and read poetry and write about nothing and listen to music. Good, depressing, almost weird, music. But no, Heather. Shut up and write your papers.
We're recording this weekend. I love recording. I may have some coffee with Jacob. He's so ridiculously nice, which can make up for a lot. Whenever we talk, I can't help but think, "what a charming young man". But he is young...
I've come to discover that I don't know if I'll ever get married. Which I'm actually very fine with. I mean, I really WANT to get married, but I won't get married if I can't find a man who will change the world and help me change the world. I won't be held back. Am I frigid?
Heather, shut up and write your papers.