hey if anyone needs community service hours/just wants to do volunteer stuff, someone can come with me some sunday(s) in may/june 2:00-4:00 in cambridge. i volunteered at like a bazillion places and only one has e-mailed me back. here is the info, if you want to:
> Eliza--
> Hello! Thank you for contacting us to volunteer with
> the Bread & Jams
> Sunday Meal (www.breadandjams.org/sundaymeal).
> Please read ahead to find
> out more and how to volunteer.
> Bread & Jams, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) 3
> charitable organization. The
> Sunday Meal is the only meal in Cambridge on
> Sundays. Going into its 17th
> year, the Meal now attracts over 80 people each
> Sunday. The Meal is
> totally produced by volunteers who are solely
> obtained through high
> schools, universities, churches, corporate volunteer
> programs, community
> outreach, and through the myriad of our web
> listings. We never know the
> menu from one Sunday to the next until the
> volunteers arrive and we all
> decide together what to cook - check out previous
> menus on the Sunday Meal
> website.
> The Meal is officially supported by O’Naturals,
> Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Hi
> Rise Bakery, Whole Foods, and ZipCar. These five
> provide us with a
> sustained source of coffee, baked goods, specialty
> foods and a way to get
> them every Sunday. The rest of meal comes from the
> following sources:
> CEOC (Cambridge Economic Opportunity Council) and
> Food for Free; we are
> currently working to obtain food from the Greater
> Boston Food Bank.
> In April 2005 the Sunday Meal began a Community
> Garden. Now we grow our
> own organic spices, fruit, and vegetables. During
> the harvest of this
> Garden our Meal is provided with the freshest of
> foods, making the Meal an
> even more unique experience for its volunteers and
> consumers. The Garden,
> like the Sunday Meal itself, is totally managed by
> volunteers. This
> opportunity takes place every day from May -
> October, so if Sundays don’t
> always work out for you, you can volunteer with the
> garden anytime you
> want.
> I encourage you to take a part in the Sunday Meal in
> a way that supports
> your mission. You may, for example:
> **Pick random Sunday's to help;
> **Set a schedule with us such as the 1st shift of
> the 2nd Sunday of each
> month;
> **Bring pre-cooked vegetarian or meat dishes;
> **Behind the scenes grant writing or fundraising for
> the meal;
> **Meal Coordination. You will be the one who
> coordinates the day’s meal
> with the volunteers present and be responsible for
> its production. The
> Coordinator may choose to be present for half the
> Meal or the whole Meal;
> coordinate each Sunday, every other Sunday, or one
> Sunday a month - it’s
> all up to you;
> **Volunteer with our Sunday Meal Community Garden.
> This provides us with
> fresh and unique spices and produce (email:
> garden@breadandjams.org);
> **Start composting at the Meal. This means
> establishing the program and
> collecting it each Sunday.
> Whichever way you volunteer is greatly appreciated.
> To become involved with the Meal sign up for a
> particular shift for any
> number of our Sunday Meals. We can use 6 - 8 (this
> number is flexible)
> people per shift. This said, the 6 hour meal will
> have 3 shifts: the 1st
> shift is 2 hours, the 2nd shift is 1 _ hours and the
> 3rd shift is 2 hours;
> with about 8 people in each shift for a total of, at
> most, 24 volunteers
> per Sunday. You are welcome to stay for as many
> shifts as you want and
> you may sign up months in advance. Whether you’re
> an enthusiastic
> volunteer or a member of a committed group you may
> wish to have a
> long-term arrangement so please let me know as soon
> as you can to be
> certain to get your requested dates.
> Following are the shifts and dates that are
> available to sign up for.
> Pick as many shifts throughout the given Sundays
> that you wish. Email me
> your: name, email, telephone number, dates, and
> shifts. I will then list
> you on the official volunteer spreadsheet and email
> you back to let you
> know of your confirmed volunteer schedule.
> Shifts:
> 2:00 - 4:00 (1st shift) Preparation & cooking
> 4:00 - 5:30 (2nd shift) Preparation, cooking,
> serving, & cleaning
> 5:30 - 7:30 (3rd shift) Serving & cleaning
> Available Sunday’s for May - August 2005 (if you
> want to go further than
> August please reference your calendar and let me
> know of the dates and
> shifts you would like).
> May
> 15, 22, 29
> June
> 5, 12, 19, 26
> July
> 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
> August
> 7, 14, 21, 28
> I suggest letting me know at least a month in
> advance for a requested
> shift. You can also be asked to be placed on our
> “Emergency List”, which
> means that you would like to be notified either the
> day before or the day
> of the Meal of a immediate opening. If you are
> unable to make a shift
> please notify me by email at least 3 days in
> advance. However, of course,
> things come up unexpectedly and you may not be able
> to notify at this
> time. As well, the Meal, like the clients
> themselves, is always on,
> never canceled due to rain, sleet, or 20 inches of
> snow. It is
> understandable that unexpected circumstances arise
> that would disallow one
> to attend the Meal. We will always look forward to
> having you volunteer
> on another Sunday.
> If you are a student or someone assigned to do
> community work, for
> whatever reason, please let me know in your
> responding email. We can
> accommodate any time requirement that you need to
> fulfill for any reason.
> Furthermore, you, members of your group, or an
> entire group may play music
> at the Meal, prepare the menu, or cook the entire
> meal. There is truly
> any number of ways to make this experience memorable
> for all. Please
> contact me to discuss these options further.
> Here are the directions to the Meal:
> Christ Church and the Cambridge Common (Harvard
> Square)
> Zero Garden Street
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> Via Subway:
> To get to Christ Church (0 Garden St.) take the Red
> Line to Harvard
> Square. Exit into the “pit” at Harvard Square and
> once above ground cross
> the street toward the Harvard Coop. Walk to the
> right towards the
> Cambridge Common. You will cross one street and
> then find yourself
> passing in front of a cemetery. Take a left around
> the side of the
> cemetery and you’ll see Christ Church in front of
> you at the back of the
> cemetery. Go down the path between the cemetery and
> the church. Once
> around the back of the church you will see a brick
> annex with two white
the librarians are such nazis. they like changed the chairs so they face in different directions.
anyway, this half day is almost over and then i am going to the beach with marie! heck yess!
and on a simliar note, my report card said 37 hours of community service when really i have more than 100 from camp. i hate this stupid school.