(no subject)

Aug 23, 2004 20:34

1. Full name: welly mcsmelly bum
2. Nicknames: welly
3. Eyes: hazel
4. Height: who gives a rats arse
5. Hair:black
6. Siblings: 1 things, and 1 sissy
7. Do u sing in the shower? maybe de[ends whos in there with me *winks*
8. Do u like to sing in the toilet? oh yeah
9. Birthday: 28 June 1986
10 sign: Cancer
11. Address: pfft London
12. Sex: hmm whats a rooster classed as?
13. Left/right: both
14. What do you want in a relationship most: just matt
15. Have you ever cheated and if so did you mean to or do it again? nope no cheating for welly
16. Marital Status: singular atm
17. Do you have a car: not yet
18. What kinda car do you want/have: kombie


19. Movie: dirty dancing
20. Song: MUSE - Falling Away With You
21. Band/ singer? MUSE atm
22. TV Show: queer eye
23. Actor: johnny depp
24. Actress: kate hudson
25. Food: im not trying to be someone i cant be am i *fucked in the head*
26. Number: 28
27. Cartoon: yu-gi-oh
28. Disney Character: donald duck XD
29. Colour: Black, white, pink


30. Do you plan on having children: bahah what the? no fuckign way
31.Do you want to get married: i could XD if its matt
32. How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: pfft 0 kiddies sounds fun!
33. How old do you wanna be when your married: who knows?
34. Would you have kids before marriage: not fucking haveing any!!


38. Music/TV: Music
39.Guys/Girls: sausage
40. Green/Blue: green
41. Pink/Purple: pink
42. Summer/Winter: fucking spring LOL
43. Night/Day: night
45. Dopey/Funny: dopey coz it is funni
46. Weird saying: yoko jamoko toeto!
47. What skool do u go to? VPSHS
48. have you ever taken drugs? yep
49. What's a major turn on for you? tattoos, piercings, hair, makeup, how about matt!
50. How far would u go on a first date? well...


51. Blonde: my boss
Best Person: unsure my best person i seem to always be able to talk with is miss dale
Nicest: claire and pet
Funniest: claire, tim, Pet, Adam, dale (slopy), claire
Happiest: unsure whos happy *put ur hand up for me?*
StRaNgEst: Kelvin
MoSt CaRiNg: Dale
TaLlEsT: Kelvin
ShOrTeSt: hmm unsure thinks i is.
BeSt PeRsOnAlItY: everyone of the super kids
BeSt AlL rOuNd PeRsOn: hmm *thinks*
52. which 3 people do you trust and are open with the most: dale, pet hmm maybe its claire
53. what do you think of soul mates? hmm matt!
54. is it right to flirt if you have a bf / gf? well maybe
55. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? guy as killed on friday morning and i found out saturday i cried like a motherfucker, so fuck you all!
56. What kind of ppl do I hate? People like you yeah you know who im talking of, people who judge etc.
57. are you happy? not atm feeling down
58. why? coz its been a hard weekend to get through
59. what's 3 objects you can't live without? music, good friends who i love,and matt XD
60. Love or lust: lust
61. Silver or Gold: silver
62. Diamond or Pearl: zero
63. Sunset or sunrise: both
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: haha all the time drunken skinny dipping rocks my hmm skin i supose.
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nopes
66. Do you have any piercing: getting lipe done next week
68. What song are u listening to right now: Stockholm Syndrome - Muse
69. what are the last four digits of your phone number: 7630
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? hmm dont think about it.
71. Would you ever kiss someone of the same sex? oh im so hard-core!
72. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? how big there hooters are LMAO umm i dont fuckign know i get along with everyone neatly
74. What makes you happy? only the people i tell i cre about
75. What is the next Cd you are gonna get? Muse - showbiz
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? no to that
77. What's the best advice given to you? i dont remember.
79. What are your future goals? to stop bad things from happening, when i dont expect them, it will never work but SCHMEF! to u people who think im scared.
80. Worst sickness u ever had? hmm glandular fever kinda thing
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? dont care
82. On the phone or in person? both i supose dpends where the person is.
83. Hugs or kisses? both
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? i dont know?
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? my bestfriends
86. Do u have any enemies? yeah now i do
87. What is your greatest fear? alot of people would say death for me but fuck you i aint scared of death everyone does some day..but i do hate it when death takes someone before they can say goodbye.
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? who cares money dont bring happyness
89. What time is it in Albania now? what the fuck is with the question
90. Have you ever been in love? maybe
91. Have you met santa? that fat lobster man is a cunt i hate christmas
93. Last time you talked to the person that you like? this arvo and tonite
94. Do u have any pets? a dog and three chickens
95. what is your e-mail address:
96. Last time you were depressed: laterly since saturday arvo
98. Who sent this to you? fucks me stole it i supose
99. What do you think of this person: dont give a rats atm other things on mind then a child who gets the wrong inpressiosn all the fucking time, which starts shit.
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