
Feb 26, 2007 19:57



Okay, now that that is over, I shall try to rewrite some of my post.

The deleted post started with me answering my own question about why I made a livejournal account if I wasn't going to use it, and deciding that from now on, I shall use this journal (hopefully) once in a while.... and then it went on something like this:

Today I woke up on... what do they call it? The Wrong Side of the Bed. Apparently, waking up facing a huge, bright window is the wrong side but anyway. I was in a bad mood for no reason, (perhaps getting up at 7:00 is what it was) and having to catch the bus did not help at all. I just ignored the bus driver’s unnecessary questions and randomly sketched things on the ride to school. When I got there, I got informed by my lovely French teacher that she is still insistent about speaking to my guidance counselor about kicking me out of her class. She thinks it is better if I do grade 9 for now, and so has resolved to consult guidance [ and enlighten my parents about the situation. joy. ]

Now, I'm not that terrible at French. All it is is that Nova Scotia and Ontario have two very different education systems (Ontario's standards being much, much higher) and I need some help and quite a lot a teeny bit of adjusting. My French teacher (who shall remain nameless, she is cool otherwise) thinks that it is best I do grade 9 to get the 'basics' [ as if doing math 9 again because the idiots wouldn't give me a credit even though I passed with a high mark wasn't enough ]. Despite my best efforts, including ones about promising to get a tutor and do extra French work to keep up, she is on very firm footing. She's gripping the rope too tightly. She won't let go!

Moving on... second period was science (French being the first). I had a chemistry unit test, which I had completely forgotten to review for. How the hell does a person remember to read assigned pages for a test but forget to review? I didn't do too badly, but I'm sure that I could've done better. It took me about 60 minutes to finish my test (I hate the scantron sheets) and then I just doodled for the last 15. During lunchtime, I bought lunch ( a pepsi bottle-not the bottle, the contents.) and headed off to the library to draw some more, where I was informed by a classmate that my careers (lesson after lunch) teacher was not there. I rejoiced a little bit, decided not to get my school supplies, and went to class with my handbag and sketchbook. We read some article and (some) people did questions, while I drew some more and others goofed around and/or hopped on the computers (the careers rooms is actually a computer lab. Ha! The teacher is a pushover and the students get on them during class all the time.)

You might be wondering why I draw so much, but there's a good reason, I promise. I, -insert name, father's name, grandfather's name, and four last names relating to each generation of my family line- have decided to become an architect. Yes, for real. I'm very sure about that, and hopefully I'll stay on track. But anyway, architecture requires a creative works portfolio ('creative works', I assume, means artwork) and have started trying to put one together. Yes, I do have two more years at highschool, but the sooner the better. I'd be more prepared. So I spent the rest of the period drawing, with more people admiring my lousy artwork. I swear, these people have no artistic sense whatsoever. Okay, so I don't think my art sucks or anything, but I'm certain it does not deserve, "OMGUDRAWSOGUDOMGOMGWOWOWOWOWNOWONDERIGOTA50%INMYARTCLASS". Uhh, no.

Fourth period is my all-time favorite subject, math. (Sarcasm: sar·casm. 1. A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning. 2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.) I forced myself to do some circle equation problem and then returned to my artwork while pretty much everyone else tried to complete their homework. [ I do not do math homework. The teacher doesn't check, and in this class, I do not need to do it. ] And then, finally, school was out.

My sister came to pick me up ( or to show-off her new car, whichever ) and then we fought over Timmy's (Tim Horton’s for those who don't know.) We got pissed, went home, and now I'm procrastinating even though I have a lot of work to do. I talked to people on msn, checked my e-mails, and am going to practice drawing again after I post this. Schoolwork can wait. (:

This post is long enough as it is, so I have one more thing to say:
I hatehatehate it when I lose something I typed up because I can never get it the same way again.

Have fun.

my, i, losing, hate, posts!

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