Book Challenge Update

Aug 08, 2005 13:00

58. The Magic Goes Away Collection - ed. Larry Niven - 358 pages. This book is a collection of stories set in the world that Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle created in their "Burning" series. There are stories by Niven, but also by other authors and it's a fairly good read.

59. Gridlinked - Neal Asher - - 426 pages. Sci-Fi story about a guy who has been "gridlinked" to the Artificial Intelligence Network for 10 years longer than the maximum recommended time. He's kind of lost touch with his humanity and gets sent on a mission to try to get it back. The story is okay, nothing too spectacular, but it tends to drag on a bit in sections as it follows a couple main groups of protagonists. This is the same author who wrote The Skinner and while it has a brief segue to a character from that other world, it doesn't flow as smoothly and I found it hard to keep picking the book back up.

59 / 70 books read and 23,381 out of 30,000 pages read

reading, books, asher, book challenge, niven

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