My Magnolia is gone...

Apr 07, 2005 19:09

I knew it was coming, since she's been really ill for a long time, and we had been trying to call to get her an appointment on Saturday to euthanize her.... but it is still a huge loss that she's gone. She's not suffering anymore, and has her vision back, and is happy and healthy over the rainbow bridge, but I'm really going to miss her. I only had her since June of 2001, and had adopted her on my maternal Grandma's birthday...

She was so cute and so pitiful in her little cage at the Oregon Humane Society... they had had to shave her almost all over due to her prior owners not brushing her or taking care of her. She had the sniffles and over the last year lost most of her sight and developed hyperthyroidism, and kidney insufficiency... it wasn't until the last couple of weeks that it was becoming noticeable that she wasn't having any more fun... and was actually suffering. I'm glad she's not in pain anymore, and that I didn't have to make the call to have her put to sleep.

I will miss her so very much though! I only have a couple of pictures of her online, and they were the ones I took from the Humane Society webpage right after I got her.

Goodbye Magnolia, I'll always love you!
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