Book Challenge Update

Mar 07, 2005 10:15

Here are a couple more:

10. Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and his Corporate Pals are Pludering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - 244 pages.
I recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in the environment or politics. About 90% or more of the information and statistics from this book have been supressed in the regular press. If you kind of like Bush but love the environment and wilderness, you MUST read this book, as it will totally open your eyes! I can't rave strongly enough about this short but very informative book. Everyone should read it!

11. Deception Point - Dan Brown - 558 pages. Interesting book from the author of "The Davinci Code"... it is about a discovery by NASA and all of the political fall-out from it. Interesting read, several twists and turns, and a surprise as to who the bad guy is.

11/50 books read, 5,735 / 15,000 pages read.

reading, kennedy, books, book challenge, brown

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