Feb 25, 2005 09:44
Was trying to resist this one, and am unsure as to if I can come up with enough to fill the docket, but here goes:
1. Took a class from my father in highschool (he was the only teacher of AP English)
2. Was elected as a precinct committeeperson last May on the actual Vote-By-Mail Ballot (got 107 votes and only needed 3).
3. Studied in Oxford, England for a summer during Highschool on scholarship (was the first winner of that award).
4. Spent a month in Russia and Ukraine studying/traveling during college while it was still the Soviet Union, during the first Gulf War.
5. Was elected to three political groups in the last year.. Multnomah County Democrats, 3rd Congressional District Democratic Delegation, and State Central Committee.
6. I'm the President of my Home Owner's Association
7. Earned a Masters Degree in Library Science which I've not started using officially yet.
8. Researched and found my "birth-mother" and promptly lost all the contact information and original birth certificate in a move, and haven't wanted to spend the money to get it again, so haven't contacted her.
9. Went to Walt Disney World as a competitor in a College Bowl Quiz Team.
10. Was a college radio DJ, Programming Director and Music Director and got to attend many shows and interview artists.
Can't think of any more exciting entries, or other things to add, so this is it.