Overdue Update

Nov 24, 2009 10:15

Man, has it really been two weeks since I've updated here with a post of my own? I am on LiveJournal pretty much every day reading all the folks on my friendslist and commenting here and there, but since the advent of my activity on Facebook it gets harder to parse out those lengthier thoughts about what is going on with my life and out in the world.

Work: getting into a good groove and have gotten kudos for my help with teammates and folks on other teams. Still off of furlough through December, but not sure how long that will last.

Home: my folks have been spending plenty of weekends, leaving me with the urge to do nothing but vegetate when they are gone to rest and recouperate from their visits (and those of their dogs).

Activity: started back to water aerobics 3 weeks ago and have averaged 2 sessions a week (although this week might be none, due to the holiday).

Diet / Lifestyle: Started a new diet with the Metabolic Research Center on October 26th. It's a high in protein, low fat and low carbs mix with both High Nutritional (protein) supplement drinks, and a variety of other dietary supplements. I've lost 17.5 pounds in 29 days. I'm averaging 4.37 pounds a week over this time frame and hope to reach my goal of losing 118.5 pounds in about 27 weeks total (including the weeks already in). This program guarantees 2 to 5 pounds a week, so I'm doing really well in this framework.

Social / Lifestyle: I've managed to go to a party, pub crawl, a couple restaurants, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show Caberet without going off of my plan. I've also fit in a play with a friend, and dinner with another couple friends. I'm still trying not to spend any money that I don't have to, so nights out that cost money will still be few and far between.

This Friday, my folks will be bringing up a larger TV for my den (and taking my smaller Sony Wega in return), taking my larger upright freezer and will later bring me up their smaller one in exchange, and delivering their treadmill to go in my bedroom for incentivized exercise while I watch TV.

Still looking for a roommate and really not having any real prospects out there. I'm considering lowering my price again. However, there comes a line where if you're not getting at least a certain amount of cash from having a stranger moving into your house, it becomes less and less worth it. I've also got to get my ass in gear and complete the applications for the mystery shopping companies that my birthmom's friend has recommended. S earns around $400-600 a month from fitting in projects for mystery shopping here and there.

Guess that's about it. I'll try to make a concerted effort to post more over here, even if it's just expanded details on my Facebook posts.

diet, update, exercise

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