Jam Packed Weekend Rundown...

Sep 30, 2008 15:21

Friday night after dropping my coworker off home, I headed home myself and watched the debate. Hoo Boy...that was interesting.

Saturday I had my hair cut, went to see two movies (Righteous Kill and Choke), killed some time wandering the aisles at City Liquidators and came out of there with an awesome white baking dish of the perfect size for my patented baked dessert for $2.99! Next I headed westward to get nearer to where I would be meeting up with the NoKidding Crew.

Stopped at Starbucks to kill some more time and have a lovely light mocha frappucino and read. Then headed back to Chang's Mongolian where I met up with some NoKidding peeps at a shindig organized by a former coworker, who I didn't even know was childfree in all the months we worked together. Nice bunch of people.

Sunday I trekked out to Canby to the Clackamas County Fairgrounds for the "Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival". This was a MeetIn event, and there were about six of us meandering about and checking out the sheep, alpacas, llamas and bunnies that provide the Flock portion of the event, and also are sheared or combed to provide the "fiber" portion. There were so many booths of fibers, yarns, finished products and whatnot, but I didn't really check any of them out, I was just there to see the cute animals! Ooooh and we also got to watch 3 border collies herd a "flock" of 3 ducks around an obstacle course **CUTE!!!**

We all gathered for lunch and I had a yummy lamb sandwich on a hoagie roll and a can of Diet Pepsi for $8. Tasty! Also ran into another coworker there, and said hi for a bit, then hit the road to get home before my parent's arrival.

Once my folks and their friends from Vermont arrived, we had a couple of drinks, then loaded into my parent's truck to have dinner at Elmer's next door to their hotel. The friends were taking off back for Vermont from PDX on Monday.

Monday I carpooled and thus ended up staying at work an extra 1.25 hours as my carpool pal had to stay late for a meeting. Got home and chatted with my folks for a while and found that they had vacuumed my house, done my dishes, done several loads of laundry, pruned my crabapple tree, and deadheaded and watered all my plants!

My mom was supposed to join me at water aerobics, but due to "killing" herself with the chores at my house and their rental property, she decided to take a pass. When I got home after class we had a delicous dinner of chicken, fries, broccoli, sliced tomatoes and corn on the cob. MMMM! Yummy!

nokidding, meetin, family, weekend

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