Proof of how tired I was yesterday...

Aug 07, 2008 13:27

First of all, forgot to put on my watch. I ALWAYS wear a watch when going out of the house.

Secondly, I went out to lunch and planned on ordering a certain combo. I intended to order a #13 (Grilled Chicken Sandwich) and when I got up to the counter, somehow I requested a #8 instead (bacon guacamole burger). AND that mishap didn't even register in my head until the order arrived at my table, and I realized it was a burger. At that point I remember saying #8 and looked up on the board with dismay to discover that was precisely what it was supposed to be.

Thirdly, I got up after lunch with my beverage, and hugely heavy book, traipsed out to my car, drove back to work and was reading in my car for a few minutes. As I got ready to head into the building I realized that I had left my purse at the restaurant!!! I drove back there as fast as I could (having to deal with a Verizon road construction delay enroute) and thankfully discovered that they had it behind the counter. My purse not only had all my ID, Credit cards, checkbook and random stuff, it also had my new digital camera in there!!! Massive relief to have it returned to me unscathed.

Fourthly, when I finally arrived home I went straight to bed for a nap, and set my cellphone alarm to wake me in time for water aerobics. About 70 minutes into my nap my neighbor called to invite me over for my birthday dinner.... so I went. I had a delicious soup/stew with chicken italian sausage, cannellini beans, tons of garlic and broccoli rabe. Mmmmmm! After dinner we chatted for a while and suddenly I realized that I had missed the starting time for my water aerobics class!

At that point we decided to head over to my place and watch a few episodes of Ax-Men that were saved up on my TiVO.

dinner, birthday, neighbor

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