Indoor weekend....

Jun 28, 2008 19:17

This morning I had a doctor appointment early to get my prescriptions renewed. I had planned to switch doctors and the receptionist practically danced a verbal jig when I asked to switch. Found out today that my ex-doctor has left the practice, so it's fortuitous that I had already decided to switch.

Went to pick up my prescription and decided to catch another movie... WALL-E. Excellent flick by Disney Pixar, and I really enjoyed it. Gorgeous scenery and fun story. By the time I got out of the movie abour 12:30 PM it was already getting pretty toasty.

Having no other plans I ended up staying in this afternoon and kept an eye on the temperature gauge on for their station nearest me. It got up to 102.8 degrees out here! I was chatting with a friend in Beaverton/Aloha across town and she said it was 109.3 out there! This is quite a bit hotter than the forecast of 95 from yesterday. Whew! Once again leaving me extremely grateful that I installed 2.5 tons of HVAC back in July 2002.

Tomorrow I've got to do some grocery shopping, and it looks like I'll need to get it done early, before the heat sets in!

update, weekend

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