Recent Events ~ 6.24.08

Jun 24, 2008 13:43

So last week I went to water aerobics on Monday and Wednesday, Thursday I went shopping with my favorite neighbor P at Costco and got him added onto my membership. When the membership fee is next due he'll pay for half of it and we both come out ahead.

Friday night I decided a movie was in order, initially my plan was to see something at Bridgeport Regal Theater, but at the last minute I headed out toward home and caught You Don't Mess With The Zohan for free at the Regal Division 16 Theater out by my place. Free was a very good price for that, and I'm glad I didn't actually "pay."

Saturday was jam-packed starting with a visit to my stylist to get my hair whacked off again. As always she did an amazing job, and I'm very happy with it. Then I had a bunch of hours to kill before another event and I didn't want to drive all the way home and then back out to Tualatin a few hours later. I drove around through some neighborhoods, and ended up cruising past my old apartment on Hawthorne Blvd, and my Aunt's old house a few blocks away from there. I had a thought about seeing a movie at Lloyd Cinemas, but ended up heading North on Interstate Avenue.

I waved at the Alibi on my way past, with fond memories of CF gatherings there in the past... and kept northbound. Next was cruising past University of Portland up on the cliff and still I veered north. I ended up at Cathedral Park in St. Johns and read on a bench in the sun for about an hour, people watching too. The cottonwoods had been having an explosion and it was almost like snow on the ground. At least I'm now pretty confident that I'm not allergic to cottonwood! I took a bunch of pics that are on my Flickr site.

From there I went across the St. Johns Bridge and cruised past my former workplace in NW Industrial Portland, and my old stomping ground where I worked. Next was I-405, southbound and I stopped at Bridgeport Shopping Center to catch a movie and kill some more time before the party. This time I watched Get Smart and found that much more enjoyable than the movie of the previous night.

Then it was perfect timing to venture towards the party that my coworker was throwing in celebration of her hubby's graduation from college. It was a great shindig and I met a lot of nice people and left about 3.5 hours later. My one other coworker who attended apparently showed up about 30 minutes after I left.

When I got home I chatted with my neighbor and we shared a beer in celebration of his birthday and looked at the stonework done to replace the yard borders on his row of units. Sunday I didn't do anything at all, except lounge and take care of a few chores.

party, update, movies

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