Semi-weekend update

Jan 22, 2008 13:53

Didn't do too much on Saturday, except cleaning around the house. In the last few days I've washed the floor in the master bath, washed the floor in the laundry room and reorganized it as well, dusted everything, dusted spiderwebs from the ceilings and lighting fixtures, wiped down all the switchplates in the house, cleared off several surfaces of clutter and organized recycling for pickup on Wednesday.

Sunday I held an impromptu meeting of the HOA out in the driveway. Unfortunately I wasn't wearing shoes or socks, so my feet got really cold after about 35 minutes out there! As I was coming back in the house my friend potentiometer called up and asked what I was up to. The answer was not much, so she invited me over for dinner and movies and conversation. Had a lovely dinner and spectacular cherry dessert, and watched "Stardust" and "Starry Night".

We ended up having a great time catching up a bit and just hanging out too. She gave me a lift home and I agreed to do a template for her art card projects for a small fee.

movies, weekend, friends

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