Weekend Update

Nov 04, 2007 19:10

Saturday I went out shopping... I've been trying to find a couple good pairs of shoes for the fall/winter and the trip to NYC but haven't had any luck at the shops downtown. I had been reminded of Jay's Wide Shoes down at Clackamas Town Center. I started out by heading to the library to pick up a book that came in on hold. Then I caught at #20 bus out to 82nd and caught at #72 south to Clackamas Town Center.

It's been quite a while since I've gone down 82nd that way. There has been a ton of development! It's insane! Finally got to the mall after about an hour and a half, and headed into the mall.

Turns out that the food court hasn't been fully completed yet, and there were only a handful of places open. The lines were blocks long. Even though I hadn't eaten anything yet that day, I ended up having a pecanbon from Cinnabon with some orange juice. Next I headed through the mall towards Clackamas Promenade.

Stopped at Target to use the restroom and noted that the old Barnes & Noble is a Petco and still has the Starbucks inside.

Finally got to the shoe store and it looked like there were quite a few options. Found one pair that I loved, by Wolky (the same company I got my sandals from), but they were $189!! After trying those and a couple other pairs that didn't have enough depth in them for my poor puffy feet.

The saleswoman had a couple ideas and brought out a couple other pairs of shoes. I really liked one of them and ended up getting two pairs. One in black and one in brown. After I got home I found the shoes online and found out that I could have saved 10-14$ per pair, but I didn't have to deal with shipping issues or any other problems.

Next stop was Cost Plus World Market where they were having a wine tasting. Tried the cabernet merlot of a wine from Richland, Washington (where my dad grew up). Bought a bottle of the wine for my folks, a pair of kitchen tongs, and a bottle of basil infused olive oil. Also checked out Kohl's, Nordstrom Rack, Catherine's and Scamp's while I was out there.

Then I had to make the trek back across Sunnyside Road, through the mall again and back out to the bus stop to make my way home. Caught a bus and it was an over-packed nightmare. When I got to Division to make the transfer, there was a huge crowd, so I decided to stop for dinner at Canton Grill. I had one of their combo plates, and a white russian. Yummy!

Sunday I haven't done much. Loaded and ran the dishwasher, and have done two loads of laundry, and caught up on TiVo.


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