The Weekend that was...

Aug 16, 2007 13:51

Saturday I had a hair appointment scheduled, and knew that I could use my Coldstone Creamery birthday treat coupon afterwards, and had a vague plan of going to see Stardust later in the afternoon.

Made it to my appointment and found out that my stylist's next client of the day was my favorite Aunt MJ, who I had introduced to J (the stylist). Had a great time catching up with J and when I was all finished it was still 30 minutes til my Aunt's appointment. I decided to head down the road to get some ice cream and said I'd be back.

At Coldstone, I selected their "Cookie Don't You Want Some" creation and really enjoyed it! Then it was time to head back to the salon. As I was crossing the street near The Baghdad Theater, I heard someone honk and yell my name! It turned out to be ghstintheshl who was heading to Bridgeport for some lunch.

I told him what my plans were on heading back to the salon and said I'd meet back up with him in a bit. Went back and had a lovely chat for about 25 minutes with my Aunt & J, then headed back out to Bridgeport.

A block or so away I texted that I was on my way, and as I got there he was standing outside checking his text messages. We talked for a bit and I suggested the movie out near my place. We had time to kill, so ended up heading to Starbucks for some tasty beverages while we waited.

Ended up with a huge deal on the flick. I had a free ticket, and it turned out that Stardust wasn't a starred attraction, even though it had just opened. As I paid for the one ticket, I got a bonus of a free small drink and a free small popcorn. At the concessions counter I sprang for the popcorn upgrade. So, for a total of $7.50, I got two tickets to the movie, a small drink and a medium popcorn! Can't beat that easily!

After the flick ghstintheshl gave me a ride home.

Sunday, I ended up moving a ton of my books into my den and organized them on my entertainment center. The room there was being wasted on some trinkets and the empty shelves were magnets for clutter. I'm planning on getting at least one of the bookshelves and possibly both of the filing cabinets out of my computer room, to make room for the sewing table my folks got me for my birthday, and a cutting/project table too.

I also went through about 3 bags of paperwork and shredded or tossed it, and ended up with just a handful of documents I need to keep. Only 8 file drawers, a couple piles and about 6 grocery bags of paperwork still to go! I also boxed up a huge amount of paperbacks that I have no reason to keep. They are not books that I'll read again, and they are just taking up space, and have no sentimental pressing value for a reason to keep them. Hopefully I can sell them off at Powells, or or somewhere.

One step closer to getting my house free of clutter and random paperwork!

clutter, organization, books, movie, weekend

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