Saturday run down.

Jul 29, 2007 11:37

So yesterday mschilepepper had gotten me invited to a bachelorette party of a friend of hers. I met up with her at her hotel and hung with her and her friend A. Had a fun afternoon. Eventually some of the rest of the crew showed up while we were having drinks in the hotel bar of the Convention Center Red Lion. I had 3 White Russians and A was nice enough to put the booze on his expense account, which was really nice! He also gave me his copy of the new Harry Potter, since he had finished it, and has several more stops on his trip before he heads home to Australia, so I was the beneficiary!

We headed to dinner at Accuardi's Old Town Pizza because A was in the mood for pizza and we had this Pesto one that was delicious! It had pesto, cheeses, spinach, pine nuts and sundried tomatoes!

After that we headed over to Ember's and got to see a couple sessions of drag shows. Awesome entertainment! Eventually the rest of the party showed up, and there were some fun gifts for the bride, and I had to take off to make sure I got home before the last bus home etc.

Had a great time and it was awesome to finally meet mschilepepper in real life, and also meet L, Xine and A!

fun, friends

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