Saturday Dealie

Jun 02, 2007 22:07

So this morning I was up bright and early and took Snickers on the bus to her vet appointment. She wasn't too bad for meowing on the bus, and was pretty good overall in the vet. He said not to worry about the mats, she doesn't have fleas and gave me a steroid treatment to try to help her dry skin. I asked about changing foods and he said what I had her on was OK, and that with minor skin irritations like this, diagnosing often costs a crapload of money for testing and doesn't end up with a good solution.

Her teeth are great, her weight is great, her fur is top notch... he was asking how i maintained it, and I got a chuckle when I told him that I just call "brushie" and she comes running! So that's all good.

Csme home and freed her from the little plastic carrier (can't wait til her kitty stroller arrives), and watched some stuff on TiVo for a while. Then I realized that I still hadn't eaten anything yet (at this point it was after noon). So did a little search online on what is playing at ye olde metroplex and decided to heat out for lunch and a movie.

When I got outside I ran into my neighbors, and got to chatting. They were heading out to an organic farm out near Washougal and offered to give me a ride. First I said no thanks, cuz the theater is out of their way, but finally realized that I was going to lunch too, so they dropped me off at the BK.

I had a lovely lunch, did some reading, and then settled down to wait for the next bus in the heat. When it finally came and i got out to the theater, I debated which flick I'd see. I thought about Bug, and Mr. Brooks, but in the end I went with Pirates again. This time was more enjoyable since the theater was much quieter and less crowded than last weekend. Still loved it, but this time I didn't stay after the credits for the brief vignette.

Since then I've just been hanging at home watching mre Hex marathon and a cheesy sci-fi movie called Meltdown.

Tomorrow I'll have to do laundry, prolly vacuum and I really need to go grocery shopping. *sigh*

update, weekend

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