The Weekend that was....

May 21, 2007 16:48

Saturday caught up on newspaper reading and TiVo, went to JoAnn's Fabrics to get some thread to sew pillowcovers for throw pillows. Also went to Hot Fuzz with a friend at the Century Eastport 16 theater. Fun!

Sunday, slept way in, moseyed to the library to pick up a couple books on hold, drop off a book, and headed to Albertson's to get some groceries. This time I kept it simple, so didn't have to cab it home. Finished clipping my coupons, caught up on some more TiVo and cooked a delicious home-cooked meal!

I had baked chicken breast with herbs & olive oil, sauteed zucchini with pre-diced flavored tomatoes (basil, oregano, garlic) and diced garlic, with a vinaigrette/herb salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. I also ended up consuming an entire bottle of wine, but have leftovers for at least a couple meals.

This leftover production is crucial as this is my second week of water aerobics... and cooking something decent or healthy is not really enticing when you don't get home til around 8:30 or 9 PM!

I guess this is already on my way to making it a habit since this is my third session at it!

water aerobics, dinner, movies, weekend, cooking

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