Blogging from L-Net Training

Oct 11, 2006 14:24

We're in a computer lab in the PCC Sylvania Campus Library, and learning all about the online reference consortium. It's really interesting. I'm learning a lot, and doing some networking too. I was able to help a gal who just arrived in town last night get some contacts for local temp agencies, so she can find somewhere to work while she's looking for that elusive library job. We also received some swag... bookmarks, posters & pencils if we wanted, and a choice of several styles of t-shirts with the logo. Got one in my size.

I've also got a couple of leads for some local jobs too, and one that I'm definitely gonna jump on, where I could be working only 20 hours a week, and getting paid almost 10K more a year at the low end of the scale! Woohooo!

My interview with the library temp agency this morning went really well and I got some great insights on ways to change / update my resume to get more interest on applications. They also told me that they had a job opportunity here in Portland 6 months ago, that apparently they were shopping my resume around for. Would have been nice to know that at the time, just to bolster ye olde confidence!

So all in all, I'm really glad I had two extra vacation days to spare to attend this and get my career ball rolling again!

training, l-net, job, opportunity, library

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