Book Challenge Update 2006

Aug 14, 2006 12:03

73. Dark Mondays - Kage Baker - 231 pages. More short stories by the author. I really wish she'd write more in The Company universe, as I love the time-travel and cyborg elements of those. These stories were all entertaining and most had some supernatural or somewhat sci-fi bent to them.

74. Honored Enemy: Legends of the Riftwar Book I - Raymond E. Feist and William R. Forstchen - 323 pages. Moredehel, eledehel, Tsurani, Humans, Trolls, Goblins and more. This story takes place during the Riftwar with Dennis Hartraft's Marauder's (a human force) and a Tsurani group. Both have to forge together to fight the Moredehel (dark elves) as a common enemy. I'm hoping this series will continue for many further volumes. Exciting action and well-written characters!

75. Life Support - Tess Gerritsen - 324 pages. First of many books by this author that I have at home ready to read. I just happened across a couple of her books on a return cart at the library and am starting to work through her backlist. She's a mystery/thriller writer, and Stephen King thinks she's great. I love her stuff so far, and can't wait to get further into her list!

75 / 100 books read and 28,543 / 50,000 pages read

reading, baker, books, book challenge, gerritsen, feist, forstchen

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