Birthday So Far...

Aug 04, 2006 10:44

Got up on time and walked to catch the bus (missed the earlier transfer bus). Had a nice breakfast downtown at Portlandia Cafe in the Portland Building... yummy. Then arrived at work 20 minutes early and was treated to a Java Chip Frappuccino at the Starbucks in the lobby.

At noon the office is shutting down for our annual summer picnic/event. We'll be picnicing near the Rose Test Garden in Washington Park, and then taking the Zoo Train to the Oregon Zoo. We've got several hours there with our coworkers and families to enjoy the exhibits and have fun.

Then at around 7:30 PM we'll be meeting my youngest bro and his GF and another friend at Bistro Montage for dinner, bro's treat. Depending on when we finish up at the Zoo, A and I might wait for them in the bar/lounge at Montage. The name of the place is Merde. Hee!

Then, who knows?! At least I've gotten away with not doing any work so far today... and we'll be paid for the whole day too! Yay!

picnic, dinner, birthday, zoo

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