Book Challenge Update 2006

May 30, 2006 14:29

49. The Art of Deception - Ridley Pearson - 451 pages. Another book with the main characters of Lou Boldt, John LaMoia, and Daphne Matthews. It's the third (?) following after Angel Maker and Beyond Recognition with the same main characters. This one is also set in Seattle, and involves a potential serial killer, the Seattle Underground, an Asian power-monger, and several twists and turns. I'm really glad there are still a bunch of Pearson books that I haven't read yet, as I really enjoy them.

50. Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of The American Dream - Barbara Ehrenreich - 237 pages. This is her take on an almost year-long search for employment in middle management in the white-collar world as a comparison to her research / book Nickel & Dimed. Pretty quick read, and I was reminded of my own painful job search the last time I was unemployed. It really is much harder out here for folks to get and keep those corporate jobs.

50 / 100 books read and 17,948 / 50,000 pages read. Reached the halfway point!

reading, books, pearson, book challenge, ehrenreich

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