Plan for Tonight

Mar 08, 2006 16:35

I've got a committee meeting tonight that doesn't start until 8 PM, so I have a lot of time to kill after work. I'm planning on going to see a movie at one of the downtown theaters, but haven't quite made up my mind yet. The selections that will work for location and length of movie are: Firewall, Capote, and Good Night & Good Luck. Can't quite make up my mind for which one to see. I'm leaning towards Firewall, because while not mindless per se, it will require much less brain power to enjoy, and the meeting tonight is bound to be frightening and take forever.

The meeting is to listen to the suggestions from the Endorsement Task Force on who to endorse from late-filing candidates. Filing deadline was yesterday at 5 PM for the May Primary election, and it really went down to the wire. There was some late-stage maneuvering from some old-guard, and some scary freaks have also filed as well as some great progressive dedicated democrats. The meeting is bound to errupt with shouting a few times.

Then tomorrow night is the Central Committee Meeting, where I have to give a speech and run for election for a position that I have no interest in whatsoever, just to please some other powerful old-guard folks who don't want cronyism to take control of our local county party. *sigh* I'll be really, really happy when the weekend comes!

movies, politics, plans, meetings

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