The year meme from horseless_rider

Dec 09, 2005 14:59

January - Had a great time at a childfree New Year's party thrown by crankycatlady that was attended by mictlantecutli and moosie555 as well.

February - So last night I set a new record on savings at a grocery shopping trip.

March - What happened last night… Ok, so it was last Friday night... but here's an update. My friend M came over and we chatted for about 3 hours catching up on everything that has been going on in each other's lives.

April - TGIF - Had a lovely lunch with horseless_rider and got to catch up with her on everything.

May - Book Challenge Update: 27. Shadowsinger - L.E. Modesitt - 496 pages. Final chapter of the Spellsong Series.

June - So the Expectation has happened: After much ibuprofen yesterday and a long hot shower, and taking it easy, I now hurt worse then yesterday after the fall.

July - Mini-Shopping spree: Just got back home from Big K. Found out a couple days ago that since the merger/acquisition you can use your Sears Card at K-Mart.

August - Update on taking in Grey: Talked to my parents again last night, and did find out that the wine trip is THIS weekend... so that frees up my schedule.

September - Saturday Update: Saw two movies in theaters today, one alone and one with A. Got my hair cut pretty darn short, and found out that my stylist will likely be moving to a salon that serves wine with their haircuts... totally posh!

October - Got a lot of stuff done this weekend: Managed to declutter and de-paper the bedroom and bathroom upstairs.

November - Nothing like starting your day off with a train accident: This morning the MAX train I was on got hit by a car in between the Skidmore Fountain and 1st & Oak Street stops.

December - So Christmas is kind of a huge mess already this year… My plan this year was to have Christmas at my house.


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