May 15, 2007 13:13
Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I've got so many stories, but right now NPR is playing this story about some small town in New Hampshire which hasn't been visited by a presidential canditate since before Taft. They're playing short interviews with townsfolk about which candidates they'd like to see, and one old man says, "Oh, I'd like John McCain, I'm thinking of voting for him and I'd like to speak to him face to face." WTF! Boo hoo hoo, who cares if you get to meet the candidates, old man! I would like to meet a candidate and have them slobber all over me because I'm unlucky special enough to live in New Hampshire or Iowa.
I'm kind of sick and/but we leave for scotland on thursday! And I voted this morning, despite none of the candidates for the Democratic Mayoral Primary having come and personally convinced me that they are worth voting for. Somehow I have survived this slight, swallowed my pride, and pressed a button anyway.