i would appreciate it if you all stared at my chest, instead, until this clears up.

Apr 11, 2007 17:33

sigh. you know when you step into the bathroom and you've had this little zit bugging you all day but it really doesn't look that bad but you decide to subject it to further examination and then suddenly you have "taken care of it", as it were, except now huge swaths of your face is red and blotchy and it actually looks worse than before you picked at your face? but instead of being in the privacy of your home with its assorted face creams and exfoliant products, you're still at work and so are a lot of other people? and people ALWAYS look at faces, especially red, blotchy ones that weren't that way about 10 minutes ago.

man, i meant my next post to be all about what i want to do in scotland. THANKS FOR NOTHING, ZIT.
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