Most peculiar day of work possibly ever

Aug 17, 2008 20:06

I pretty much just need to get this down for future me to look and laugh at later

So I get woken up early (read: 10am) by my manager asking if I could come into the store immediately, stating that it was an emergency. She rambled a bunch of other stuff about how she was sorry but she didnt know how else to call etc etc. So I agree to go of course, even though I was originally scheduled to do a shift at the other store at 3. She told me she got a call from our coworker stating that she had to go and it was crucial and my manager didnt know if the store was left open or not or what was going on and she was pretty frantic. I'm thinking my coworker's kid got hurt and she had to rush to get him to meet him at the hospital or something like that. Lets just say I was pretty wrong. So I get to the store around 1030 after a 5 minute drive and 10 minute walk (the things I do for free parking) I get to my store to find roughly five police officers surrounding it about to kick down the door. Cue a total freak out where I run to my store and ask them what's wrong (no one tells me of course, just to be annoying I guess) I'm told to open the door and stand a couple feet away while they look around to make sure no one dangerous is inside. The stores empty, my coworker is no where to be found and we dont know how to contact her. The police finally fill me in on what's going on but I don't really want to get into it. Suffice to say it's really terrible news about my favorite coworker and I almost started tearing up in front of five policemen but I sucked it up. They were really nice and helpful. I was still pretty shaken up by the time they left and of course as soon as they did customers starting filing in like freaking idiots, even though the lights are off and nothing is put up yet and the POLICE WERE JUST IN THE STORE. but whatever I kicked them out. I called my manager back who is also freaking out and tells me all she knows and I offer to stay the day if she could find someone to cover my shift at the store she was at. This is how I got myself into a 1030am-730pm shift. And now I just realized I forgot to grab bags for the store that I work at tomorrow morning. Damn. Oh well. Work turned out to be a lot of fun despite the rough beginning and long hours though. Um.. I got very seriously hit on by a girl haha. The exchange went something like this:

Girl: *buys dress* So.. do you come with the dress?
Me: *very confused* um.. no.. haha
Girl: aw, that's too bad, I wish you did
Me: *finally gets it* ..oh
Girl: have you ever been curious?
Me: no..

haha I kind of wish I'd said yes just to see what she'd do but I was getting incredibly shy. She was really pretty though. Oh yeah, and then her husband came in after she left looking for her


it totally made my day worth it

Then these three girls came in and spent about two hours total in my store. They were awesome and really sweet and made the time go by really fast. I liked them :]

I had a lot of nice customers and the register was only 5 cents short which I fixed with a nickel from my wallet.

Soo yeah, quite the day at work.
And now I get to do it again tomorrow morning.. except with no bags :(

I'll probably give in and go back to the store and grab some. bah
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