brain meet world, world meet brain

May 13, 2005 11:39

that's Brain not brian.

i'm soo sleepy it's gross only having umm maybe 4 hours sleep. when you aren't feeling well and trying not to come down with the latest flu/cold/plague that is travelling around the call center.

my old roommate i think is living vicariously through me and my apartment. we window shop on our way to the store and we have the same taste in house ware things. i had mentioned i really loved these bright orange mixing bowls the other day. and when i met to meet him after his appointment to go grab food he had a surprise for me. A BRAND NEW SET OF SUPER ORANGE BOWLS. that fit nicely in my 70's style kitchen. i'm soo excited and yes i did the happy dance all the way home. it off sets the silver metal salad bowl and servers he got me last week nicely.. someone might thing we are an "item" of sorts but alas i dont' have the body parts he is interested in ahaha so it's great.

i've become incredibly domesticated. i'm even learning to cook. yes you read that right. cook not burn. and the things i have been makign are actually really really good. and edible. and my apartment is so tidy all the time and the laundry is all done. my friend asked me how is it possible that i'm still single...*shrug* ya got me..

i had an interesting experience yesterday at work. i had an escalated call from an agent woman is pissed off and i'm not making it any easier in that i jstu dont' refund the charges to her. in her anger she stated "You'll never get $40 bimikin dooars out of me ever" (whatever bimikin means..) she then proceeded to call me a Pussy-hole and hang up. WOW.. i've never been called a pussy hole before i was actually amused by it.

i think i'm gonna do a bit of shopping this weekend. get some things i need for my place. and sunday i'm thinking i'll set the bigtop up and hang out and watch movies most of the day..

for now. i think i'm gonna shut my eyes for a few minutes. dont' tell anyone though.
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