Scones, Saussage and baked beans

Dec 30, 2009 13:54

I've never cared much for saussages. It's been that one...weird food that for whatever psychological reason I cannot eat. I love hotdogs. I love pork roast. Ground pork. Square slices. Almost anything but proper saussage.

However. Scotland does something or makes it some way that I can not help but like. This isn't a recipie regarding where the hell you get decent saussage. This is a chat about something else entirely.

Namely; potatoes. Potatoes and scones...and I'll get to the saussage.

Scones are popular in a lot of places but the potato scone is something native to Sctland. It's traditionally a flat bit of pastry but I do some cooking negotiations depending on who it is I'm making them for. Basically if i was mak2 ming this dish for a North American person I'd make a fatter scone. If I was cooking for my Scottish relatives I go with a flatter bread. I'll put both cooking directions up.


2 medium potatoes
1/3 cup milk
3 tbsp cold butter
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 cup chopped green onion or chives (optional)

1. Boil potatoes to proper mashing consistency (When you can stab one through with a paring knife and it simply drops away)
2. Mash with milk and egg
3. combine flour, baking soda and salt in a dish (as well as chive/onion if desired). Cut in butter in small chunks and toss through dry mix.
4. add potatoes and mix with fingers until a round ball of dough is available.
5. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
6. Shape dough into a flat round on a round pizza-pan sheet
6a. If a thicker scone is desired, the scone should be approx 7-9 inches across and about 1 inch high. That should cook for about 32 min.
6b. If a flatter scone is desired, spread out to the edges of the pan. Still round and about 1/4 inch high. cook for 15 min.
7. Either thickness, carve it into at least 6 pieces with a pizza cutter.


Scones with Sausage and baked beans

You will need

2 links of saussage
1 can beans in tomato sauce
3 tbsp olive oil
3 slices of scone from previous recipie

1. In a griddle at medium heat on the stove, heat the butter and slice the sausage into thin rounds to fry. Fry sausage for 5 minutes
2. in a separate pot, cook the beans in tomato sauce and add the fried sausage.
3. in the leftover oil, fry the three slices of scone for approximately 3 minutes per side (or until golden)
4. Serve with the bean and sausage mix overtop.

green onions, main dish, potato, sausage, green onion, baking powder, scones, flour, olive oil, beans, pepper, saussage, salt, beans in tomato sauce, egg

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