Oct 22, 2009 14:31
Here is how it works. Today is October 22nd. I am posting a relationship meme. The catch is, you have to comment to it asking about a relationship we don't have yet. Either the characters haven't threaded or they've threaded like once.
On November 22nd I will reply to the meme. That means we have a month to try and actually create that relationship. THIS POST IS LIKE MY VOW THAT I WILL THREAD WITH YOU, SOMEHOW, IN THE NEXT MONTH, MORE THAN ONCE. Obviously sometimes characters don't click and that's cool! We can move on! But the attempt will be made, and then a month from today you'll have a relationship meme response waiting for you."
My hours are somewhat free, but my Jane Austen thesis is topping me horribly; I WILL keep a look out for your character and thread when I can.
My Gmail has a pretty purple label for CFUD threads. If I drop your thread and you want to continue the conversation, please don't hesitate to poke me, I can usually find it again quickly! (This is also in general.)
...If our characters already know each other and you'd like me to tag you somewhere, feel free to comment here, as well.
I play: Shiraki Mayuko, high school teacher, and a Type B tsundere. Works for the Camp library. Is fairly understanding, but may book you in the face if she gets angry.