Mar 30, 2009 12:48

Character: Lady
Series: Devil May Cry
Character Age: Late twenties/early thirties circa DMC4
Job: Being the seedy owner of the seedy pool hall in which seedy characters can come play seedy games of pool. Seedily!

Canon: Welcome to Devil May Cry. Two thousand years ago, blah blah blah, gates to hell, demons everywhere. Now today a hero must rise up, everyone has mommy issues more blah blah blah and also sometimes we have musical numbers. It's a really cool series where really cool stuff happens. In a world where the main character is too busy being shirtless and killing things to pay attention to the laws of physics, let alone the plot, you need someone there to give our hero a gentle nudge in the right direction. The devil-hunter Lady is the one here to give that nudge. And by "nudge" I mean "shoot him in the head and/or blackmail him into doing what she says."

She may be just about the only fully human combatant in the series, but don't for a second think that it means she can't keep up with the big boys. With her motorcycle and custom-made melee MANPADS (yes), it's her goal to rid the world of demons that would hurt humans. Her domineering attitude, skills forged by raw willpower, and steadfast refusal to take shit from anyone ends up meaning that not only can she keep up with 'em, but in some cases, said "big boys," in fact, owe her a lot of money. Being a pool shark able to out-play the devil himself doesn't hurt either.

Obey them or go fuck yourself. :)

1. Pool tables are for pool. Do not put your drink on them or I will collect your drink. Don't put your weapons on them or I will collect your weapons. Do not put your filthy-ass fucking feet on them, or I will collect your filthy-ass fucking feet. Et cetera.

2. Respect the equipment.

3. Do not kill your fellow patrons without the express consent of the management. Not the implied consent. Not the it-was-OK-last-time consent. Express consent. That means you say "Mother May I" and I say "Yes you may." Or (preferably!) you could just take your shit outside where I don't have to deal with it.

4. No one cares if you are offended by the decor. That's not your Aunt Sally's head nailed to the wall. That's a demon that was making a dick-head of itself and ruining my day. And if it is your Aunt Sally? Guess what! I still don't care. Also, it's completely boss. Blow me.

5. Watch your damn language if there are fucking kids in the room.

6. No, there is no beer on tap. Yes, the signage on the bar would suggest that we have a selection of fine domestic and imported ales. That would, in fact, be bull. So unless you want some outdated tang, salty water with sand in the bottom, or lukewarm pig's blood, you're out of luck.

7. Do not order a glass of lukewarm pig's blood. You fucking freak.

8. If you are covered in more than a quart of any bodily fluid not your own, you might want to take a shower before you come in. I know I'd want you to take a shower.

9. Actually, that applies to your own bodily fluids too.

10. Go easy on the chalk, kids.
10 a. The chalk is not to be used for drawing arcane symbols with the intent to summon demons within the pool house. FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

Remember, the rules aren't here to limit your fun. They're in place to protect the safety and comfort of all who wish to use the pool hall. With a little common sense and flexibility I think that this can be a great place we can all enjoy. However, failure to comply with any of these rules (ESPECIALLY RULE 3, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) will result in your immediate removal from the premises. Repeat offenders may be shot at our discretion.

-The management. ♥

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