*fist to sky* Enough, Already!!!

May 05, 2009 16:05

This is a cross-post from my garden blog:  My Garden and Such at www.welasgarden.com.  I'm trying to save my fingers for some tunic cutting.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  Enjoy!

So, after a somewhat useless night of tossing and turning, I finally got some sleep....at about 8 am. Yeah, early starts are borderline miracles around here anymore. You can imagine my utter shock and complete amazement to find that it was raining again! yeah, no sarcasm here, oh no! Now, far be it from me to suggest that maybe Mother Nature's got it in for Kansas in general, or Doo-dah in particular, but DAMN!!!! Enough of the waterworks, already! I promise I'll grow things if You turn the faucet off for a couple of days. Whatdya' say, there, Nature? Anything? Nothing? *sigh* Wonder if I should invest in a good pair of Wellingtons? Or water wings? Scuba gear would be too expensive, wouldn't it? *shaking head as I splorch off into the sunset....*

Yet, in spite of the skies' plans to drown us in our sleep, I did manage to plant the blackberry plant. And, of course, by "I", I mean that "he", the Wonder Hubby, did the digging. Thanks again, oh Scion of Husband-hood!! As planned, we placed it on the southeast side of the garden, opting to put it just outside the garden instead of in. The reason for this is that several family members and friends in Seattle have mentioned that blackberries grow very well up there, and apparently wherever they damn well please! As my oh-so wonderful friend, Lizzie put it: "Up there, blackberry plants come in and take over, beating up the other plants and stealing their lunch money!" I doubt that it will do that down here, but I am hopeful that it will at least produce berries. More than that, I dare not hope for. I will point out, though, that I'd rather be cutting back a blackberry bush than dealing with that damned ornamental grass that the previous owner of our house planted. That crap is worse than kudzu!! I've heard piteous cries for mercy from my peppermint plant towards that grass! Imagine a plant that overwhelm mint!!!

So, anyway, here's the blackberry in its newly-planted glory:

We got it in the ground and I said to the Wonder Hubby "At least we don't have to water it!" He said, no, we don't. But the dogs probably will. Ooo. Not good. But, for once, I had the solution:

The sawhorses needed moving anyway, because I want to plant the tulips there. So now I'll just have to wait for the rain to back off a bit so I can get them back in the ground. It's either that or keep them in a cool, dry place on the ark we're going to start constructing this weekend.....

Oh, and I'd like to thank Reader Dave for his suggestion about the sulfur and coffee grounds for the blackberry plant. I will be utilizing both your suggestions, and please, if you see me about to commit some sort of gardening criminal act, don't hesitate to let me know. This is only my second year of gardening, and I am still pretty much a novice!

And apparently I spoke too soon in welcoming Douglas and Main back to the active blogosphere, because I checked it just an hour ago, and it was still showing commentary on yesterday's blogs. Do you guys need some help? I mean, there's only so much a poor fibromyalgic gardener/seamstress can do when it's raining.....

I'm just saying

my garden and such on blogger, blackberries, rain, douglas and main, lachlan

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