Mayday! Mayday!

May 01, 2009 15:22, no emergency--it really is May Day! Or Beltaine for those of us of the alternative ilk. Or the birthday of the Society for Creative Anachronism that I'm always talking about. And you would think that those three facts would make it a busy day for me, wouldn't you? But, in point of fact, I've spent most of the day on the couch huddled up in a blanket. Wet, rainy, cool days are no fun for the fibromyalgic amongst us, believe me!

There's so much I should be doing: the garden, sewing (the SCA has a big war coming up in June that we are determined to attend; hence, we need more tunics), housework--I keep expecting the Board of Health to show up on my doorstep with a court order and a steam shovel. I've got to get well! I've simply got to!! I went back to the doctor on Wednesday (I think), and got poked and prodded for more testing material. Frankly, I suspect they're running out of things to check. Pretty soon they'll be making tests up: "Yes ma'am. We're going to have to take, let's see....let's try a skin sample and some hair follicles from your uh.....from your uh.....from your shoulder! Yeah, that should do it!" "Why are you testing hair from my shoulder--does my shoulder even have hair?" "Does your shoulder have hair.....why, that's what we're testing! Yes, indeed, a lack of shoulder hair would indicate um,, umerus patesco!" "OMG, that sounds serious! What does that mean?" "It means "naked shoulder" in Latin!" "Is that serious?" "Is it serious? Why, just ask your shoulder if it wants to be naked!" You see what I mean?

On the garden front, I forgot to mention in my last post that we (the Wonder Hubby and I) had also purchased a blackberry plant that we were going to try and grow. I wasn't sure if Kansas was the right place to try this, so I called my dad to ask. He said that he's pretty sure that he and Mom could grow one, then he added that my Mom could grow hair on an onion. (Maybe I should get her to look at my shoulder.....) So, I figure if my mom can grow one, I probably could, too. We're going to give it a shot, anyway. (No, there's nothing wrong with my shoulder--I made that up.) I'm thinking I'll plant it on the south side of the garden, and see if it takes. Wish me some luck, somebody!

On the personal front, sonCoelred told us this morning that he and girlfriend Em have called off their engagement. I can't say I'm terribly surprised by this, but I will say that I'm rather saddened by it. We've gotten very fond of Em, and I'm rather sorry that she's not going to be part of the family after all. It's an amicable parting, though; they're still friends, and she has no plans to move out immediately, which is fine by me. I enjoy her company. I will say this,though; if that ex-girlfriend of his shows back up, I will personally rip her lips off! A more thoroughly depressing and snarky individual you have never met in your life! She was smart enough to suck up to my parents (and they were foolish enough to buy it, which is most unusual; usually they see right through that crap!), BUT she was a real snot to us! I know it's not my business to pick and choose my children's companions, but if that little monster shows back up, I will be forced to invest in a voodoo doll! Heads up, Snarkerella, you've had fair warning!

I guess the only way I'm going to be able to properly venerate this wonderful (?) May Day is to try to drag my tired butt into the kitchen and cook up something special. Something festive...and still incorporating the B.R.A.T diet*. Sounds challenging, doesn't it?

Happy Beltaine! Happy May Day! Enjoy, and cover up your shoulders!

It couldn't hurt....

*the B.R.A.T diet is "Bananas, Rice, Apples (usually applesauce) and Toast. This is what you should give to your kids when they're suffering from diarrhea. It's drastic, but it usually clears the old system up in no time! It should also give you a clue as to how I've lost 10 pounds in two weeks....

blackberries, coelred, ex-girlfriends, sickness, garden, sca

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