She's awake!! Not altogether there, but awake! She has a lung infection of some sort (I'm seeking more information on just what kind), and they still have her intubated and in the ICU, but she's awake!!! And dig this: Her biological father has been with her the whole time! How about that? I think I'm going to ban her from ever referring to him as the "fucked-up Vietnam Vet" again! I know they've had their issues over the years--hoo boy! have they had issues!--but this time, she's not alone. She's got a parental unit with her.
Maybe I'm more relieved than I should be, because clearly, she's not out of danger yet. But I know our daughter: If she can wake up, she can carry on!
Blessed be the Gods, and blessed be all of you for hoping and praying for her. I love you all very much, you know--whether we've met in person yet, or not. Thank you so very, very much for being "here" for us.