Mar 16, 2004 17:50
to sum up the past few days...... they have been wonderul. spent lots of time with jessica!!! yesterday was a really good day. ashley is a fucking cunt! work was slow. slow = good. after work me and jessica slept for a good hour and a half together. it was really fun. came home. dyed my hair. went to adrians. went to jenns and watched a good movie. stood and talked in jenns backyard for a while. i played with my new butterfly knife (thanks to eric). cut myself a few dozen times. jenn is awesome. took adrian home. drove to murrieta and went to jessicas house. talked for a while. she cleaned the dry blood off my hand. i honestly dont think i have known another girl that would have done that. we layed down and talked. she fell asleep in my arms. it was perfect. i fell asleep too. woke up at almost 3. said bye. drove home. woke up to her text around 11. decided to watch a movie. a walk to remember is good when you have someone in your arms watching it. to sum up some more things..... mandy moore - cry. is so true. that is now my favorite song for awhile. i fed jessica grapes and soup. it was perfect. she is perfect! going to hang out with her for a little bit later tonight. when im with her time passes by so fast. we talk about everything and nothing. but it doesnt even matter. i could spend every moment im awake with her. and when im not with her all im thinking about is her. and even when im asleep all i think of is her. well im gonna go eat or something. MWAH!