Title: Back in the time of dreaming....[1/?]
Rating: PG
Author's Note: From my LJ name, you can tell I'm a Joongbo addict :) Their story had captured my attention from the beginning when I chanced upon a random LJ-user with a Joongbo gif. I was curious so I start youtubing and the rest is as one says ancient history. I hope to make this into a long shot so all your comments are greatly appreciated ( in other words, I'll give you internet cookies for commenting XD. You can do anon. commenting so no hassle for opening an account). I posted this on LJ for two reasons.One is that LJ gives me much more easy access in editorial control and secondly, soompi still confuses me b/c I'm just comp. illiterate like that. hehe. So I hope you guys are willing to link out. Now onward to the fic itself, please enjoy!
"Words collided. Emotions flared. Masks dissolved."