Fandom: Saiyuki
Theme: Tanabata Challenge: I will Find You
Title: An Invincible Summer
Author/Artist: Avierra
Warnings: NSFW
Pairing(s): Hakkai/ Gojyo
Notes: For
daegaer’s prompt: Sanzo-ikkou!noir - detectives, femme fatales (possibly a kappa fatale), mysterious strangers, McGuffins.
Fandom Favorite Points for Kenren
Super Note: SO MUCH LOVE for Lauand and her lengthy and detailed explanations of a number of aspects of naming conventions and culture. I am only sorry most of it turned into character development and story ideas rather than exposition. <3
“How can I help you, Mister…?” said Henry Coshun to the unlikely creature sitting across from him. The creature’s eyes flicked briefly to the new marquee over the door to his office. It was backwards, of course, but still clearly readable:
Coshun & Trespalacios
Legal Investigations
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Confidentiality Assured
The bright red paint, picked up pre-mixed at a discount, was not quite dry. That was a pity, because the heavens chose that moment to open up with a deluge of driving rain. The letters on the marquee trailed in bloody runnels down the window. The raindrops were a hail of bullets against the sidewalk outside the office suite.
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