...can't believe I'm doing this.
BISHOP ☇ You still weird the crap out of me and pull strange shit, but.
...thanks. For your help and for giving me a place to stay to stash my stuff in.
NAOTO ☇ I hate you. Whatever. But Nill likes you and you're protecting her. I have to thank you for that.
Just learn to fucking sew and maybe I'd be more appreciative.
BADOU ☇ ...jackass. You're always late, always mess up and make me save your ass, always go batshit if you don't have a smoke every half hour, talk too loud, and complain to much.
How I stand to work with you, I don't know, but no fucking--thanks.
Just keep your hands off my wallet. I give you way more than half our salary anyway.
NILL ☇ You... you're like me. I hate it when you worry so much about me. I'm not all you think I am. I don't want to hurt you. ...but thank you. For keeping me this way.