Sometimes the coffee is the worst part about waking up

Jun 04, 2011 10:55

[Actions for the house]

A) Ken woke up with a start and felt at his chest where Juri had so kindly shot him. He had broken his promise to Miakis that he would stay alive and find her later.  That distressed him, along with the simple sting to his professional pride that he had gone down so damn easily.   He looked slowly over to the side, hoping to see his girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside him. He didn't want to be alone right now.

B) Ken is making breakfast! Well, mainly to let the kids know that he's back, but he's hungry too. Being dead for a week will do that. It's simple fare, but warm and filling.

[Phone calls]

[Locked to Japan]'m back. How are you? Are you ok? [he's worried about the country and his former target]


Well, welcome back everyone. How did you guys fare? Is everyone ok?   [There are a few people he means in particular, but he's worried about everybody.]

You guys better be ok.

after the event, breakthrough, worried, juri is a meanie face handlebar head

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