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Comments 201

[Action : Free for all] winning_road March 24 2011, 05:41:00 UTC
[Frustrated about the actions at the dairy, Seiichi's decided that he needs to clear his head and get some fresh air. He's currently sitting in the park with a sketchbook and pencil, a distant expression on his face as he loosely outlines the scene in front of him. When Ken passes by and blocks his view, he pauses for only a moment before the angle of his pencil adjusts, not even bothering to hide the fact that he's now studying Ken as intently as he is the park.]


[Action : Free for all] - Please ignore the icon keywords weiss_tank March 24 2011, 05:45:21 UTC
[On the surface Ken actually just looks like 'the boy next door', Japanese edition. He's of medium height, a little on the darker skin side, and fairly skinny, Ken is even kinda pretty in that average way.

It's how he moves that makes him interesting. Ken is one of those loosely graceful people, who's body moves in a way that's crossed between an athlete and an animal. The animal side showing much more right now that he's agitated.]


[Action : Free for all] - /checks them anyway JUST TO SPITE YOU winning_road March 24 2011, 06:12:59 UTC
[That movement is what caught his eye in the first place, a unique mixture that makes it hard for him to place where it originates. He can see the athlete in Ken, but the other parts? He's reminded vaguely of different people and disciplines, but none of them seem to match up well enough to satisfy him. All the more reason to commit this person in this moment to paper, and he quickly flips to a fresh page, intensely sketching out gestures.]


[Action : Free for all] - Lol weiss_tank March 24 2011, 06:16:40 UTC
[Ken finds an abandoned ball, probably left behind by some drone child. With a quick, practiced movement, he bumps it up with his foot and starts juggling it with his feet.

It's a smooth, meditative gesture and he does visibly relax as it goes on. He still hasn't noticed he's got an audience.]

[[ooc: Hey, what's Yukimura from? He looks familiar]]


action; vigilantisms March 24 2011, 14:02:07 UTC
[Well, this has been an interesting first week in a new place. Not that Yuri isn't used to being caught in a whirlwind of events, but the extra element of unfamiliarity didn't help.

Still exploring the town - Yuri's made his way to the park. He's surprised by how neat and clean it is. Definitely nothing this nice in Terca Lumireis unless you got closer to the noble's quarter back home.

And perhaps in his wonder and curiosity, he shoulder bumps into Ken?]


Re: action; weiss_tank March 24 2011, 19:41:53 UTC
[Ken's a pretty small target, but Yuri's good at hitting those.]

Ahh! [He's just as startled as you are.] Ah, sorry about that.


action; vigilantisms March 24 2011, 19:50:28 UTC
Hey no problem-

[That voice sounds familiar. But he can't put a name on it just yet...]

-it's been a long week for everyone.


Re: action; weiss_tank March 24 2011, 19:52:25 UTC
[Thankfully Ken's a little more on the ball with recognizing voices.]

Oh! Hey! You're that Yuri guy I talked to on the phone! It's me, Ken. [s-so used to talking to drones now he doesn't even think to really introduce himself properly anymore.]

How ya been? Did you get caught up in all that crazy shit last night?


godisachild March 24 2011, 16:36:18 UTC
[Hey Ken, while you're walking around the park, there's a chance you might bump into this little jerk. And by bump, I mean literally bump because he isn't watching where he's going.

And when that happens, he'll just look up at you and frown for a moment before turning his gaze away again.]


[Yeah, you aren't the only one feeling shitty.]


weiss_tank March 24 2011, 19:46:18 UTC
Ah? Oh hey there Pokey. [Ken smiles down at him.] That's alright, it's such a pretty day I've been kinda lost in my own world.


godisachild March 24 2011, 20:04:29 UTC
[Still not looking at you, Ken.]

Yeah. Sure. It's great.

....This place blows.


weiss_tank March 24 2011, 23:04:36 UTC
[Awww, Pokey...Ken's just gonna sit down on the grass and pat the spot beside him.]

Did you get caught up in what happened last night?


sting_like_a March 24 2011, 16:38:37 UTC
[Miakis is curled up in bed in a meager attempt to get some rest. Between Ken not coming home and fretting about the goings-on at the dairy, she hasn't been able to sleep well at all. It's been a rough night.

Eventually, she gives up on sleeping and sits up, her eyes widening in surprise when she sees Ken there.]

Hubby? [She rubs her eyes blearily.] You're back?


weiss_tank March 24 2011, 19:45:15 UTC
Ah? [He looks over at her in suprise, and then quickly smothers his troubled expression with a smile.]

Morning Miakis...yeah I'm back. Go back to sleep, you look bushed. [Ken will reach over and brush some of her hair out of her face with a fond gesture.]


sting_like_a March 24 2011, 20:34:07 UTC
Mmph, no. [She shakes her head and stifles a yawn.] Can't sleep.

Are you okay? You never came home yesterday, so... [The question of "did you get yourself killed" is on the tip of her tongue, but she doesn't dare ask it out loud.]


weiss_tank March 24 2011, 23:05:40 UTC
[Ken's hand pauses in mid action, she can probably feel the increase of his heart rate through his finger tips.]

I...Last night got a little out of control...

[This is Ken for 'yes I was stupid and got myself killed'.]


[Action] heartstar_blues March 25 2011, 03:50:29 UTC
[Guess who flys down to land, stumbling as he gets his balance?

The Captain is waving.]


Action] - YAY! weiss_tank March 25 2011, 04:04:05 UTC
[It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's.... THE CAPTAIN. Well, Ken will put on a semi happy face to see this dude. They are friends after all.]

Hey. Busy night, eh?


Before he goes after the mech hehe heartstar_blues March 25 2011, 04:17:12 UTC
[He nods and looks proud of himself.]

Been making sure Mayfield's safe while they attack the building.

I got it all back. I'm now the baddest thing in Mayfield.

[Not even close.]


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