(no subject)

Sep 11, 2007 22:04

19 days left till the official opening

I just wanted to remind you that there is no deadline on joining
however if you come a week before the deadline wanting an extension, I will say no
there is absolutely no repercussions for dropping out - 50k is a lot and no matter how hard you all try some of you will not finish

It is much better to let me know and drop out than coming along at the last minute.

I have secured deals with some fan artists
and I have some betas lined up if anyone needs one
also if you just want someone to run against - a writing buddy - the option is there

I'll post again with a countdown and a word counter.
Remember there is NO upper limit although I might be coerced into accepting a story that is just under as long as it is just under.
All stories will be posted with wordcounts from the same PC to make it fair
and they will all be posted anonymously so you have the same chance as much more famous names in the fandom.

Everyone is welcome to try
and signing up is just a matter of letting me know you think you might like to compete


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