Random update

Aug 25, 2010 08:18

Going through some of the information here to refresh my memory on where I left off, I noticed that a lot of people friended this journal, possibly for the downloads and were never added back. I apologize for this as I heve been a bit remiss in checking the edit friends page and LJ doesn't always notify me of an add. If you have been waiting, I am sincerely sorry.

As far as the downloads are concerned, I believe that the only links that may be viable at this point go through megaupload. Everything else is and will be on hiatus until I return from Japan in December as I won't have access to all my files. At that time, I will decide what I will be doing with the information here, how I will organize it and where I will take it.

Again, I apologize for the delays in responding to friend requests.

Now to finish packing...I leave on Tuesday!
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