Johnny Weir Wants to Learn How to Wear Pants
(Picture from
Jay Manuel)
With every New York Fashion Week come a handful of celebrities that show up absolutely everywhere. They're usually of the predictable variety: reality stars, Gossip Girls, CW actresses and the marginally famous. But there's always one refreshing outlier who makes you pause, and then smile. Last season's was Alan Cumming and though the week's just started, we're putting our money on flamboyant figure skater Johnny Weir for the fall collections.
His first outing? The Heart Truth's Red Dress show at Lincoln Center last night.
ELLE: We hear you're going to be quite the man about town this season. Tell us everything you're up to.
JW: Well, I designed Adam's pants [the bedazzled red jeggings] and I'm doing a special on-ice presentation for Elise Overland. I'm walking for Asher Levine, Richie Rich and Indashio, too. I designed for Adrienne Landau - there's a coat, a legwarmer and a big neck warmer. I love fur. I'm a huge fur fan.
ELLE: Does PETA write you hate letters?
JW: Of course. I had to have the FBI go with me to the Olympics because there was a legitimate price put on my head by somebody associated with Friends for Animals. I'm used to it. They're a terrorist group. Everyone has the right to choose their way. I hate when people will wear fur and then say it's faux just for PR. If you're going to wear it then own it, love it.
ELLE: So you're keeping busy.
JW: I'm all over the place. I'm also going to see my dear friend Chris Benz's show. It's incredible. Everyone is going to die. It's like a Southern witch.
ELLE: What about doing your own line?
JW: Absolutely. Well it's starting with Adrienne Landau really, and Adam's riding pants.
ELLE: So will it be men's? Womens?
JW: There will be men's and women's but everything can be worn by everyone. I wear everything and I want to make that more acceptable to people. There are little guys like me that want some style and can't find it at Bergdorf for men. It's all very... manly. There's a whole subculture out there like me that wants to be a little crazy.
ELLE: Do you ever look at the pictures and say, "What was I thinking?"
JW: Absolutely. I've worn some really crazy feather coats. I have a habit of wearing tights or leggings or jeggings to everything because they're so comfortable. Like tonight. I think I need to learn how to wear a good pant.