Johnny Weir has a memoir coming out soon called Welcome to My World and savvy marketing chap that he is, he's promoting it by leaking/selling excerpts to People magazine. The big news (or non-news) is that Weir finally, explicitly comes out as gay: "With people killing themselves and being scared into the closet, I hope that even just one person can gain strength from my story."
In the People article, Weir talks about his childhood when he was often mistaken for a little girl. Also, his often being called a homo or faggot by middle school students. He also mentions a clandestine affair he had with another male skater he refers to only as "Alex."
Weir also discusses the pressure he felt from gay websites who "couldn't figure out why I was such a jerk that I wouldn't talk it [being gay]."
"A lot of the gays got downright angry about my silence. But pressure is the last thing that would make me want to 'join' a community."
Well, we were probably one of those gay websites he refers to, and I can't say we were angry so much as sincerely frustrated that Weir played coy for so long. It made him awfully hard to write about or appreciate. What did it say about gay visibility when someone so visibly gay seemed obstinate in refusing to own up to it? How could he be considered a role model?
Weir ends with...
"I'm not ashamed to be me. More than anyone else I know, I love my life and accept myself. What's wrong with being unique? I am proud of everything that I am and will become."
And at last, GLBT fans looking for out gay role models can be proud of him as well.
The full Johnny Weir article appears in the January 17th print version of People on newstands now.
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scheisse_adc sums up my feelings on the whole thing:
Cue The "This Ain't News, I Already Knew" Brigade...
It's not suppose to be shocking. It's simply a fact about his life and who he is.
It's an autobiography.
People have called this man all kinds of names including "coward" and "closet queen" and worse so if it's not such a big deal for him to say it (as opposed to just being his obviously gay self which he has always been) why were folks fall all over themselves to make him say it?
If it was so obvious, why all the hysterics?
Obviously US media and readers have some kind of requirement that gay celebrities say the words "I'm Gay" if not, there wouldn't be so much gay baiting and hating on celebs who are perceived to be gay (or who are openly gay but haven't be interviewed by People) .
We (the we that is not celebrities) can't have it both ways.
We can't accuse celebrities of hiding their sexuality in plain sight but then snark at them when they say the words.