Jan 14, 2012 19:40

✢ The Player
Player Name: GuesssWho
Age: 21
LJ: I'm usually on ofdrumsthesound, might as well use that
AIM / MSN / Y!M:
Other Characters: None here

✢ The Character
Character Name: Wilbur Whateley
Fandom: Cthulhu Mythos
Canon Point: Before the main story starts
Age: 6-ish, maybe? He's already tall, but not yet a 9-foot giant.

Appearance: Tall, very plain verging on ugly, wears a trenchcoat at all times. Underneath he looks something like this

Abilities / Powers: At first glance his only powers are fast growth, knowledge of the Mythos and certain spells. When it doesn't matter who sees him, however, he reveals tentacles, scales, fur-like cilia, extra eyes and a hollow tail full of teeth.

Inventory: Trenchcoat, gun, battered old copies of various eldritch tomes.

Personality: Wilbur is a strange combination of mad old wizard and confused child. He's willing to commit horrible crimes, possibly even destroy the world, but if you ask him why his only real reasons are 'I want my daddy' and 'Grandfather told me to'. He can learn things mankind is not meant to know without blinking, but dogs terrify him. At the age he is now, he's easily swayed--if you can keep his attention on your explaination, and not the strange Moorish angles beyond space and time that whisper in his ears that he must devour the Earth and all that exists thereupon, ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn R'lyeh!

In short, his thinking mirrors this Neil Gaiman quote quite neatly: There was a note under the door from my landlady. It said that I owed her for two week's rent. It said that all the answers were in the Book of Revelations. It said that I made a lot of noise coming home in the early hours of this morning, and she'd thank me to be quieter in future. It said that when the Elder Gods rose up from the ocean, all the scum of the Earth, all the non-believers, all the human garbage and the wastrels and deadbeats would be swept away, and the world would be cleansed by ice and deep water. It said that she felt she ought to remind me that she had assigned me a shelf in the refrigerator when I arrived and she'd thank me if in the future I'd keep to it.

History: Son of a Lovecraftian entity and a madwoman, Wilbur has spent his life so far taking care of his house-sized demon brother and learning how to take over the world.

First Person Sample: I'm not too sure how I got heer. I was in Dunwich five minits ago, yew see, and now Iym in Arkham. If anywun would be sew kind as tew give me a ryde home I kan pay yew wel. I am neer the sine readin 'School of Languages' and the othur sine readin' Crane and West. Thanks awflee.

Third Person Sample: http://milliways-bar.livejournal.com/20432798.html

Other: He probably knows more about the monsters than any other PC, but he won't be much use unless the good guys find him first--he was raised by cultists, he's practically one already, and it's take a bit of explaining for him to understand why not everyone wants to be remade into a demon while the world is consumed by ice and deep water.
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