Words from a musician: Why you shouldn't date one

Nov 24, 2010 18:16

Why You Shouldn’t Date A Musician
By Damian Kulash (of OK Go)

Ladies, there are a million well-known reasons why you shouldn’t date a musician. We’re self-obsessed, flaky, hot-tempered, unreliable and always broke. We’re imperious, impenetrable, impractical, and - let’s face it - we ain’t usually the cleanest of folk. Nonetheless, you keep falling for us. The only reason I can surmise is this: Our faults get mistaken for virtues in the confusing tumult of love.

Let’s say you meet a cute guy: He’s a little cocky, but you like confidence in a man. He’s a bit scatterbrained, but you think of it as creative. He’s manic, but you call it passion. Perhaps he could shampoo more often; you say you like ‘em on the wild side. These charitable evaluations are the currency of love-they’re how you’re supposed to feel when you’re falling for someone. But ladies, I’m warning you: You’ve got to stay away from the musicians.

The real reason we’re unlovable has nothing to do with our big mouths or big egos. In fact, it’s not a matter of emotional compatability at all; it’s a matter of practicality. We want precisely what you do not. You want a companion; we want to take our guitars and disappear. You want someone to eat meals with; we want to be in a van somewhere between Minneapolis and Seattle, hopped up on Red Bull and speeding like hell to make it to the club on time. We thrive on endless newness, endless stimulations and endless travel.

But wait, you say. The particular musician you currently like doesn’t go on tour-he’s in high school, and his band only plays house parties. He likes spending languid Sunday afternoons together, and he’s the one who’s always waiting at your locker. Rock & roll is just something he does for fun. Don’t be fooled! A shark in a cage is still a shark! The young Jekyll of your fancy may not know the Hyde inside him, but it’s there nonetheless.

The longer you spend with a musician, the more you will understand the discontent at his core. If you are lucky, he will have great success and be swept off into the tempest of the music industry, never to bother you again. Most likely, though, you will find your heart tied to someone who is terminally dissatisified. He will toil endlessy and fruitlessy at song after song, idea after idea, show after show. The only thing that could possibly fulfill him is the same success that would ruin your relationship. And even then, he would want more. Like I said, he wants exactly what you do not.

On top of it all, you’re going to have to lie to him. You’ll have to tell him the band is good. You and I both know it’s not true. Do you really want a boyfriend you have to lie to?
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