Credit goes to the peeps from, just an extended character sheet to flesh out some of my characters and keep myself busy and not-bored during work. Today's spotlight will be my eloquent, thoughtful Forsaken priest, Zaifar. Might change as development goes, kind of incomplete at the moment. Icon art is done by the talented Dynast!
Feel free to use this format, but please credit to Also a happy fathers' day to everyone!
Zaifar Skygrave
Age: In his early twenties
Height: 5'8
Weight: Light
Body Type: Thin, boney, slender.
Physical Condition (Fit, unfit, something in between?): Emaciated
Eye Color: A piercing gold-yellow
Hair Color and Style: Shoulder-length, black, tied in a ponytail.
Race: Undead (Formerly human)
Class: Priest
Nicknames: Zai, Bonesy, Greenie.
Alignment: True Neutral
Distinguishing Features:
1. Emaciated, green skin with a youthful appearance
2. Jet black hair tied in a pony tail.
3: Thin, weary smile
Physical Imperfections/Would Like Most to Change:
1. "I'm dead already. Does it matter?"
Characteristic Gestures:
1. Slow, thoughtful words. Often trailing away when he needs time to think through what to say.
2. Friendly, sociable in his own softspoken way.
3. Strange choice of vocabulary.
4. Wistful look, slow emphasing hand gestures.
Religion: Cult of the Forgotten Shadow.
Family Background/Lineage: Was born in Stratholme to a middle-class family who had a toy making business. Zaifar was formerly a painter and a mural artist.
Special Occupational Training: Medical expertise, anatomy studies, technical draftsmanship, scientific/medical illustration, art of healing, clergy.
Skills, Abilities, and Talents:
1. General priest abilities - Manipulation of shadow to destroy, wielding Light to heal and aid allies.
2. Artistic skills - Illustration, keen, observant eye for art.
3. Medic skills.
4. Tailoring enchanted embroidery.
Areas of Expertise:
1. Medical, biology.
2. Technical illustrations - From anatomist drawings, technical drafts, medical illustrations.
3. Clergy, Priesthood - Wielding the holy light and channeling shadow.
Military Experience: See Special Occupational Training. Been on the field with the Royal Apothecary Society for 5 years.
Short-Term Goals:
1. Socialize more.
2. Make more friends.
3. Keep a pet that will stay alive.
Long-Term Goals:
1. Find an answer to his struggle between Light and Shadow; the Forgotten Shadow.
2. Fulfill his artistic ambitions.
3. Forsaken principles.
Short-Term Needs:
1. Friends
2. Art
3. Someone to talk to
Long-Term Needs:
1. Balance
2. Peace
3. Harnass the power of Light and Shadow together with ease.
General Personality Type: Softspoken, friendly, warm, easy to talk to, intellectual, eloquent, socially inept (despite trying to socialize), shy, strong-willed, thoughtful, self-reflecting, idealistic.
Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert (tries to be)
1. Obsessive on the concept of dualism.
2. Loves mechanical stuff, e.g. robot pets.
3. Uses weird vocabulary.
1. 8] ...
Temperament: Nice, friendly, willing to talk.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): Drawing or painting to express his frustrations or kill something.
Admirable Traits:
1. Friendly, amicable.
2. Intelligent, loves to talk about deep, philosophical subjects.
3. Thoughtful, contemplative, considerate.
4. Idealistic
Negative Traits:
1. Shy
2. Can be stubborn or way too firm on his own 'honor codes'
3. Can be sacrastic that may show a bit of his 'jerk-face' side.
4. Charades with a facade, different persona for each different people he meets.
Bad Habits/Vices:
1. Trailing off in his words, without finishing his sentences.
2. Doesn't speak of his mind, keeping some things to himself.
1. The weak-willed
2. Narrow-minded
3. Romantic people
4. Violent people
Pet Peeves and Gripes:
1. People giving him gifts that are non-functional, e.g. flowers
2. Uncivilized behavior that needs to be answered with senseless violence
3. People who do not find a solutions to their problems and wallowing on it
Things That Make Uncomfortable or Embarrassed:
1. Being hit on
2. Being complimented for his appearance or artistic talents
Most Painful Things in One's Life:
1. His death
2. Losing his family to plague
Ever Been Arrested? No.
Political or Social Issues Most Important To Character:
1. The Forgotten Shadow religion
2. The Third War
1. Perishing, losing himself to the Mindless State.
Mental Disturbances:
1. None.
Hobbies: Drawing, drafting, painting, traveling, researching, chatting and socializing with people, observing people from afar, keeping himself busy with work.
1. Art.
2. Anatomy, medical expertise.
3. Philosophy, social sciences.
Drinks Alcohol: Yes, not that it affects him much anyway.
Favorite Physical Attributes in Opposite Sex and Same Sex:
1. What
2. I
3. Don't
4. Even...
Attributes About Character that Turn on Opposite Sex and Same Sex:
1. His friendly, nice attitude.
2. I don't know what else is nice about him. He's a dead man.
Sexual Turn-Ons:
1. "Huh?"
Sexual Turn-Offs:
1. "This, I don't even--"
Traumas/Psychological Scars from the Past:
1. His remorse and guilt, his death.
Favorite Pet Sayings, Words, Idiolect: Hmm... Gotta think on this.
Speaking Style: Soft-spoken, ends sentences with a 'Yes', uses strange, uncommon vocabulary and terms.
Philosophy of Life: A determinist with firm ideals and strong will on the outlook of life. "I like to believe every action, cognition, decisions we make and whatever has happened in life, happened for a reason, caused by our own movements, beliefs, consequences we have decided to take and the environment. With that predetermined for a reason, we must take it in stride, accept the reality and walk the path that we have been given." - Zaifar
Type and Number of Close Friends: Not many, his colleagues maybe.
Best Friend: None.
Other Friends: Thadric, Valaeli, Euphi, Zain, Ezidran.
Most Crucial Experience: Regaining his senses as a Forsaken.
Major Problems to Solve or Overcome:
1. Connecting with the living.
2. Finding a balance between Light and Shadow.
3. Socializing issues.
Solutions to Problems:
1. He'll find his way, he has many solutions and he's trying.
Minor Problems to Solve or Overcome:
1. Need to stop overworking himself.