With the disappearance of the Venom-Mouthed Brat Prince "Lord Zain" (ICly), I will not be writing any journal posts for him (though possibly he might hijack the trio-journal once in awhile) and my blood elf mage, Evariste Evensong, will be replacing him temporarily as the third journalist.
And of course, no one misses Zain. He's an obnoxious ass, hahaha!
Lets talk a bit about some of my development concepts on my three main characters:
Evariste Evensong - He's a IC-family member collaborative effort with Dynast's player (even though Dynast doesn't know Evariste is a relative). He's a mild-mannered, refined man with a penchant for masks, facial adornments, body art and artistic performances. Aside from being a magister, he works as a concert hall singer and theatre performer. Thought would be a nice experience for myself to RP a performer/bardic character. He's down-to-earth, enjoys commenting on things he adores and strongly approves of and display polite social graces. He doesn't have whole a lot of backstory at the moment but hopefully, I can work something out as I RP him along.
Currently, he travels with another mage, a playful trickster named Euphi. He's very talented in singing and charmistic, and understands he gains an advantage with his charms.
Zaifar Skygrave - A warm, friendly Forsaken priest who constantly questions the facets and walks of life and his own struggle between the Light and Shadow as a member of the Forgotten Shadow religion. He is an eloquent intellectual, particularly seeks to find meaning and reason in everything. He thrives on logic and insight, yet tries to grasp on emotional and intuitional concepts. Like most Forsaken, Zaifar's a lonely dead man too who is always buried in work and service to the Dark Lady.
He desperately tries to remedy that by forcing himself to socialize and talk with people which often garners him a rather awkward, socially inept reputation. From time to time, the undead priest displays fondness for witty, sarcrastic humor and making mundane jokes. To the more observant eye, one may notice the young undead's bright facade shrouds another persona
Ezidran Ravenloth - This raven-haired death knight is a free spirit with an excitable, enthusiastic nature and a heart of gold. Despite his dumb-looking, slow-witted and optimistic (near-naive) exterior and tendency to crack retarded jokes and bland humor, he may actually be the wisest and most intelligent of all my characters. His hidden intelligence tends to be overlooked or overshadowed by his lazy, easy-going and awkward attitude. Though with his easy-going behavior - his negative personalities tie in well with his positive ones; he sees things in gray and this ultimately enables him to empathize and understand people with ease, then open his eyes to greater wisdom from a broader perspective. However, from time to time, this puts him at odds with people who possess tight morals, firm beliefs and stubborn nature.
Ezidran is very loyal - He may the greatest friend, the best listening ear, the warm shoulder to cry on or the most dedicated lover when one manages to attain his loyalty and acknowledgement. I am not going to spoil more of his personality, he has other vices to his character development as well. 8D RP with me to find out more!
From this post onwards, Evariste will take over Zain's spot as one of the trio of my three way journals. Hope everyone who has been following my blogs will enjoy reading! I find writing IC journals to be a really awesome outlet to projecting how I want my chars to be and developing their personality. Thank you all who have been commenting and reading my IC journals!